In the world we live in today, I believe we need more kindness and empathy. Mental health illnesses like anxiety, depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder are on the rise and it’s not only Covid that is to blame. We seem to have lost the ability to be kind and I think I know why.
When we think life is good, we feel kind, compassionate, and even generous towards one another. But the chronic stress we have all been subjected to in the past few years have exhausted and depleted everything that’s good in us – good health, good outlook, good relationships, and even our good heart.
Most acts of unkindness are not really intended. They are more results of carelessness or ignorance as we do not realize how others feel hurt or are experiencing some form of distress. A simple apology is often sufficient to appease the offended individuals.
The worst type of unkindness is when people gain pleasure from the distress of others, particularly where the distress is intense, and are unapologetic about what they have done. Such actions are evil rather than just bad or wrong. Two examples stand out:
- • When people are intentionally rude and nasty online because they think they can hide behind anonymity.
- • Another is abusing and mistreating people who are economically or politically powerless like subordinates, shop employees, house helpers, and the poor and dispossessed in general.
To bring back kindness to our lives, we at Healthy Options are launching the Be Kind campaign beginning this month. But being kind must begin with us and this means taking good care of our health, body, and mind first. Our Be Kind advocacy aims to encourage people to make random acts of kindness by giving suggestions in all our communication channels. Some might say love is all we need but love (like respect) needs to be earned. Kindness, on the other hand, is for everyone including strangers.
We believe random acts of kindness can make the world a better and happier place for everyone. We want to encourage others to repeat the good deeds they’ve experienced themselves – contributing to a more positive and less toxic community. We hope you will do something kind today….and every day.
Finally, here’s a quote from Lady Gaga about kindness: “Kindness heals people. It’s what brings us together. It’s what makes us healthy.”
Best of health,
Romy Sia
Download the full issue of the Mar-Apr 2023 Healthy Options News Digest here.