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Nasaline Nasal Rinsing System

Nasaline Nasal Rinsing System

Nasaline is a unique, patented, drug-free nasal rinsing system designed by a team of Swedish ear, nose, and throat specialists. With the simple use...

Nasaline is a unique, patented, drug-free nasal rinsing system designed by a team of Swedish ear, nose, and throat specialists. With the simple use of saline solution, Nasaline effectively washes away unwanted mucus, crusty secretions or allergens and provides relief from symptoms associated with allergies, colds, the flu and other sinus related infections. After a prolonged stay in dry, dusty, or smoky environments, Nasaline cleans and soothes the nasal passages, reducing nasal irritation and moistening the mucous membranes.

Consult your physician before using this product if:

  • Nasal passages are completely blocked.
  • You currently have an ear infection.
  • You have had prior sinus or ear surgery.
  • Symptoms are not relieved.
Regular price ₱1,250
Regular price Sale price ₱1,250
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USP Grade Sodium Chloride and Sodium Bicarbonate

How to use

  1. Empty 1 packet (1/2 teaspoon) of Nasaline® salt into the mixing cup.
  2. Fill the mixing cup to the 8 oz/240 mL line with distilled, micro-filtered (through 0.2 microns), commercially bottled or previously boiled and cooled down water at lukewarm or body temperature. Stir to properly mix the saline solution. Extract the saline solution completely into the Nasaline® applicator.
  3. Stand (or sit) slightly bent over a bathroom sink or use in the shower. Put the silicone tip against the nose so that it completely seals the nostril. Breathe normally through the mouth (or say aaah…) and slowly push the saline solution up into the nostril. Refrain from swallowing; when the saline solution reaches the back of the nasal cavity, the palate closes automatically by reflex. The saline solution fills the nasal cavity and proceeds to pour out of the other nostril. Perform this process twice in each nostril. Use a tissue to blow out any remaining saline in your nose. Some of the saline can remain in the nose and trickle out later. Tilting your head forward and turning side to side immediately after flushing can prevent this. Use two (2) full syringes twice in each nostril per rinsing session. Rinse once or twice daily or as recommended by your doctor.

Nutritional Facts

Shipping & Delivery

Free delivery for orders worth P5,000 and above net of discounts and Gift Cards.

For orders less than P5,000 a delivery fee per order may vary per location.

We deliver in major cities nationwide. A minimum purchase of P1,500 is required for orders outside of Metro Manila.

Delivery lead time may vary per location from the date of payment confirmation.

More information can be found on the page Shipping & Delivery.

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